Community Advisory Committee

QAL aims to be a respected and valued member of industry by creating positive and sustainable impacts in the communities where we operate. We believe it is our responsibility to contribute to the wellbeing of our employees and their families, the local environment, and the local community.

The QAL Community Advisory Committee (CAC) aims to be a representative sample of the Gladstone region, able to inform and advocate on behalf of the local community. Its purpose is to support QAL in operational decision-making by drawing on local knowledge, ensuring the business considers the needs and aspirations of the Gladstone region.

The CAC meets quarterly with representatives from QAL management to review and discuss the facility’s operations, environmental performance, safety, emergency preparedness plans, project investments, and community involvement as it relates to plant operations, as well as any other issues QAL or the CAC may decide are important.

Effective community engagement promotes active partnerships at a local level that are based on mutual commitment, trust and openness. Through ongoing two-way engagement, we can achieve positive outcomes that deliver long term social and economic benefits for QAL and the Gladstone community.

If you would like to learn more or become a member of the Community Advisory Committee, please email Community Relations

The objectives of the CAC are to:

  • Build and maintain a positive, trusting relationship between the company and the community.
  • Identify and educate QAL about the community and issues of concern to the community.
  • Provide community members a channel to bring any concerns about QAL and/or its operations to the attention of QAL site management.
  • Advise QAL on focus areas and where it could facilitate improvements to the plants’ health, safety and environmental performance.
  • Share information and educate the community about QAL’s operations, health, safety, environmental, and social responsibility performance.
  • Provide feedback to QAL on ways to improve communications with the community.
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