QAL abides by a Cultural Heritage Management Plan (CHMP) that has been in place since 2006 with the Port Curtis Coral Coast. The aim of the CHMP is to ensure that QAL will to the best of their endeavours ensure that activities undertaken within the QAL operation are:
- Managed to avoid harm to Aboriginal Cultural Heritage; and
- To the extent that Harm cannot reasonably be avoided, to minimize Harm to Aboriginal Cultural Heritage.
Within QAL’s operations we have one area of cultural significance at Red Mud Dam where we have an identified and protected scar tree.
All QAL staff and contractors are provided with information about our cultural heritage responsibilities and processes when joining the QAL team. These processes include ensuring any work to be undertaken in previously undisturbed land has a cultural heritage site disturbance permit in place prior to works being completed. This permit process involves an Indigenous Field Offices inspecting the land for artefact before and/or after vegetation removal at their discretion.